Dear Travel Partner,
SpiceJet Credit card upload policy
Indusland Bank Corporate Card
Other Bank Corporate Card
Below are the Terms and Conditions.
Kindly note that agent maximum upload limit (including all ids) per month is INR 25 Lacs
Travel Partner minimum Credit card upload amount in INR 10, 000 per transaction.
In case agents are using Axis Bank Corporate Card then the total credit card upload limit (including all ids) per month is INR 02 Crore. In case agents are using IndusInd Bank Credit Card then the total credit card upload limit (including all ids) per month is INR 02 Crore. For SBI Bank Corporate Card total credit card upload limit (including all ids) per month is INR 02 Crore.
Travel Partner if exceeded upload limit as per credit card bank categories (including all Ids) as mentioned above in the table then the minimum credit card upload limit (including all ids) is INR 85,000.Charges to apply from Re 1/-incase the limit is exceeded.
In case an agent uses multiple Banks Credit cards as mentioned above in the table then travel partner per month Credit card upload limit including all IDs is INR 25 Lacs only and if the limit exceeded then charges will be applied as per Other Bank Corporate cards from Re1/.
Please get in touch with your bank for Credit card deals.
International credit cards will not be accepted.
Team SpiceJet.